
26 years ago tomorrow I married the boy next door.
Not really right next door - but really right up the street!!
Only one city block between our families.
Our parents still live in the same houses.
We went to school together.
We went to church together.
We played hide & seek and kick ball as kids.
It's safe to say we go way back.
We never dated until we were in our twenties.
Still happy.
Still in love.
Still goin' strong.
To keep it real ~
Some of my young blog friend followers may be thinking...26 years? wow!
So, let me tell you that it has not always been easy.
There have been days when I have wanted to run away & hide.
It's hard work.
Talking (without bitching).
It's about being a team.
If you have children -- this one is so important!
Once they're teenagers, they will try to divide & conquer.
The hubs and I still seek out privacy and confer with each other on the sly. ;)
I made this card for him tonight.
Tomorrow we will go to Vona's restaurant in town.
It's the place where we had our very first date - and
it's our tradition to go there every anniversary.
~always and forever~

{card materials - bazzill, Adornit! pp, BG curio die cut, K&Co. sparkly sticker piece, green jute, prima sprig (that I cut apart and made smaller), prima crystal hearts and a bit of machine stitching.}
Thanks for stopping by! Hoping my blog friends have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
hugs, patti