For my first ever gallery wall, I wanted to mix in something fun with the photos. Scrounging around the house, I found a plain wood plaque in my craft room stash. I had purchased a package of stencils from Hobby Lobby a few months ago. Using black and white craft paint, I taped off the plaque and painted. Once dry, I applied the stenciled image with a stencil brush, using a pouncing motion. I considered applying some poly, or wax, or sanding the piece to distress it...but then decided I like it just the way it is.
This hallway is right next to my dining room where the dominant colors are black and white. Before pics would've been too embarassing. ;) I removed the blue plaid wallpaper that was on the top portion of the walls. The wood paneling along the bottom was oak. I primed and painted it to match the wall color in my dining room. Next, the hubs tore out the old blue carpet that had been there for 20 years. He installed a floating wood laminate floor - and can I just add here how much I love this floor? Holy geez...all you need to do is swiffer this thing and you are good to go. :)
For my other no-cost piece of wall art, I gorilla glued a pretty white plate (Pier One purchase, last year) to a black dinner plate. Fancy Pants letter stickers spell out "Family".
I'm really happy with the way this narrow hallway turned out.
Linking up @At Home w/K's Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays.
Thanks for stopping by! patti